Current equipment in use at W2RDK:
- Icom IC-7300 SDR transceiver
- Heil iCM microphone on a PL2T boom w/shockmount
- Homebrew "Sounds Sweet" speaker
- Heathkit SB-1000 linear amplifier (built in 1989)
- Palstar AT2KD Differential Antenna Tuner
- Tele-Post LP-100A digital vector wattmeter
- Kent dual paddle iambic key
- Astron RS-50M power supply
- Motorola XPR 5550e UHF mobile DMR/Analog transceiver
- Motorola XPR 5550e VHF mobile DMR/Analog transceiver
- Motorola SL3500e UHF handheld DMR/Analog transceiver
- Motorola R7 UHF handheld DMR/Analog transceiver
- N5BOC MMDVM Simplex DMR hotspot w/2.4" Nextion LCD screen (mobile & portable)
- N5BOC MMDVM Simplex DMR hotspot w/3.5" Nextion LCD screen (home)
- SteppIR Big IR Vertical w/SDA 2000 Optimizer Controller - Radial field consists of 60 radials totaling 1600+' of wire.
- 80 Meter Full Wave Loop fed with 450ohm ladder line w/Balun Designs 4114 (4:1 Current Balun)
- Diamond X-300 for VHF/UHF
Station pics over the years